Monday, April 2, 2007

What A 'Cock

There's being a football fan, and there's being a fucking moronic football fan.

Demetrius Pepper is the latter.

He shot a store clerk, and killed an old lady to go watch his brother play in the South Carolina spring game.

I guess in Jail, we'll get to see how much he REALLY supports the 'Cocks.

Or as AI might say, "Not a game...not a game. Practice game, man, practice game - how silly is that?"

Much like a running back searching for daylight, Pepper made his cuts across the South Carolina landscape. And by cuts, I mean bullet holes and skid marks from two stolen vehicles.

It started at a convinence store, where he shot the clerk to get a car. Well, the car broke down.

It may be just me, but if you are going to shoot someone over a car find one that won't break down. I'm not shooting the guy in the Pontiac Sunturd, I'm shooting the dude driving the BMW. Or atleast waiting for Kristy Swanson to come driving by in a BMW so I can kidnap her with a Butterfinger.

Then, dumbass Pepper goes and kills a 60 year old woman to steal a car from a yard where there's two cars with keys in them already.

Hey, buckethead, lesson one of car theft is LOOK FOR THE CAR WITH KEYS ALREADY IN IT.

Pepper was arrested outside of the stadium where the game was being played.

So his murderous rampage was all for naught.

The good news for Pepper is that at South Carolina, missing the spring game is enough punnishment for any crime.

Congrats Demetrius Pepper, we crown you King of the 'Cocks.

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